keaton collective

flawless victory.
October 10, 2007, 1:04 am
Filed under: art, life

photos from hamburger eyes.

i just want to take a moment to say how stoked for my friends alex and oscar i am. their show, flawless victory is goin on thursday night in san francisco. i have been friends of theirs and an admirer of their work for a long time. they are two of the best artists i know. i remember going to a hamburger eyes show with alex and him telling me what a fan he was of their work, and now they are putting on his show. its really inspiring to see such talent and commitment to art and good things happen to good artists/people. not to mention they are studs for taking so many pictures of pretty girls.

in other news mortimer is coming back from the dead and is awesome,
and marmaduke explained is the funniest shit ever.

show october 11: flawless victory.
September 28, 2007, 12:47 pm
Filed under: art


my good friends alex martinez and oscar mendoza are having a showing of their work thursday october 11. they are the two most talented photographers i know and im stoked for this show, it should be sweet.